mem oirs (mem'warz) 1. an autobiography 2. a record of events based on the writer's personal observation and knowledge

Monday, January 3, 2011

Good Grief.

 This a.m. as I get back to the grind of the daily schedules, I commiserate with Charlie Brown who is just outside my window.

Good grief.

Our community has a water tower with Charlie's picture painted on the side. I've always wondered about how it came about, but never researched it. Maybe I will.

But today when I look out at Charlie, I understand his strife. Just got off the phone w/ my phone company who did not receive my bill payment a month ago when my bank says they paid it. Good grief.

BUT-- on the other hand,  I look at the landscape surrounding Charlie in its snow-laden glory and remember God is faithful. God is good.

And his creation is truly beautiful-- right here from my own window.

God is Good.


Andrea said...

Oh my, where do you live, cause I'm moving there!

awana4mom said...

Ask Micah about Charlie Brown. Micah wrote the mayor and asked, and got a response! We look at the OTHER side of Charlie every day :-)