mem oirs (mem'warz) 1. an autobiography 2. a record of events based on the writer's personal observation and knowledge

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Fave-- 10 year old photo

 We are learning how to use window lighting in Portraiture 101 this week. I haven't gotten any recent good shots of my sweet Sadie, so I asked her to be my model. :) She did a great job!

Sweet girl-- when she would smile, her eyes would close! :) We decided to do a more serious pose so that we could see her beautiful brown eyes.

And speaking of eyes, we took off her glasses, too! Doesn't she look different? She couldn't focus on me or her left eye would have been crossed. Here's a shot w/ her glasses on:
It definitely looks like her! But the reflection in her glasses practically shows our whole neighborhood. :) I decided to focus (no pun intented) on the lighting portion of our assignment and leave reflections in glasses for more advanced lessons!

1 comment:

H Love said...

looks like her Daddy! so beautiful!