mem oirs (mem'warz) 1. an autobiography 2. a record of events based on the writer's personal observation and knowledge

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I dare you!

TWENTY photos! I fit 20 photos on this one-page 12x12 layout! You may look at it and think "That's crazy! I need a magnifying glass to see those!" I know. That's a lot of photo for a little bit of page.

But I did it! This is my big plug for digi-scrapping... you can fit all the photos you want to on a page! Had I printed the photos for a traditional paper page, it would have taken days to determine exactly what sizes each print needed to be and then even more time to find the best way to efficiently print them.

So I placed them on a digital layout. And I got a lot of bang for my buck. 'Cause I'm cheap. Or...frugal. For me, it works. And that's what matters!

(And yes, the layout is from Thanksgiving. It has taken me a little while to get some technical difficulties worked out. Thanks for your PSE assistance, Becky!)

Scrap on, friends... scrap on. And I DARE you to fit more than 20 photos on a page...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

My Favorite Ad

Ever since my college days, I've watched the superbowl for the ads. I was an advertising major-- and our homework was to watch and critique the commercials during the big game.

I won't bore you w/ the critiques I have, but I'll share one of my favorites-- Will Farell ROCKS!
Bud Light: Jackie Moon
Bud Light: Jackie Moon