mem oirs (mem'warz) 1. an autobiography 2. a record of events based on the writer's personal observation and knowledge

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday Fave-- my new niece!

The only reason I'm really here on Saipan is because my brother and his beautiful wife Brittany are here and were blessed to have a baby.

My family wanted someone to be with them when baby "Coconut" arrived, and I was the lucky Auntie who got to make the trip. THANKS to my whole fam who made it possible!

Sweet Miss Hatley Elizabeth arrived almost 3 weeks early... so by the time I arrived Mommy and Daddy were pros. :) They're naturals-- and a super adorable little family.

So here's my Friday Fave (late) for May 22... this fabulous family who are hosting me for 12 days in Paradise!

1 comment:

H Love said...

love this special time for you....but of course miss you horribly!!