Two things I'm passionate about: Voting and Francesca Battistelli's music. Here's an
article I'm sharing that promotes both. Take a look.
Election 2008 Theme Song
By Liza Porteus Viana
Jul 2nd 2008 8:49AM
Filed Under:eDemocrats, Republicans, 2008 President, 2008 Senate, 2008 House
It often seems there are few things agreed on when it comes to politics. But this year - whether it be the historical support Barack Obama has received on the campaign trail, the distance John McCain is trying to put between himself and President Bush on many issues to convince us a vote for him is not a vote for "more of the same," or the ousting of many congressional incumbent Republicans around the country - I think we can all agree that "CHANGE" is a good a theme as any in this year's elections.
So if any of you Democratic or Republican convention planners need a good theme song this year, I've got one for you: "It's Your Life" by 23-year-old
Francesca Battistelli.
Battistelli, a Native New Yorker who now lives in Nashville, is like a breath of fresh air amid a political process becoming more filled with rancor every day. "It's Your Life" was influenced, in part, by the importance of this year's election and the need for everyone to get up and get involved in changing their own lives and the state of our country. She has a
debut performance in New York City Tuesday, July 8. Details after the jump.
Here's what Battistelli tells Political Machine:
"Voting is so important, and it distinguishes our country from others in the world where so many people don't have a voice. It's a way to be heard and contribute to creating a better future on a local and national level.
"We so often complain about one thing or another as far as the government is concerned, but many of us don't do anything about it. Health care, the environment, education--the list seems endless. But if you're not willing to stand up and make your voice heard by voting, you shouldn't really be complaining.
"'It's Your Life' is about using your voice, your abilities, and your life to stand for what you believe in. Your vote could turn the tide of the election. One small step could change the course of your life. It's your life, what are you going to do?"
Battistelli's debut performance will be next Tuesday, July 8, at 5 p.m. The
full invitation can be found here. The live performance will also be webcast. made a splash on the political scene with his "Yes We Can" song and video - the viral nature of the Internet had the video, which echoed Obama themes of hope and change, bouncing around thousands of home and work computers in no time. He also had star power on his side. Battistelli is on MySpace, Facebook, and everywhere else her handlers can promote her.
This reads like a promo, I know, but the song really is good, and she has a great voice. And, of course, it might be a nice change of pace from the usual U2, Bruce Springsteen (not that I don't love them) and other known quantities at this year's conventions. Listen to her. Show up next Tuesday. Make up your own mind.